This is the beautiful cottage in which we are lucky to be invited several week-ends a year. Big and comfortable enough to have 10 or 12 or 14 of us all at the same time, in joyous company. Often cold and always humid, it welcomes us nearly every time with a beautiful sky and sun (those pictures were taken in November.)
Stiles for hikers to climb between two fields. An interesting concept for rebellious French people, for whom private property is.. private but who don't necessarily respect it.
Passage obligé d'un champ à l'autre: des barreaux permettent d'escalader la barrière. Fortement encouragé chez les propriétaires fermiers afin de permettre l'accès aux promeneurs. Lesquels en profitent bien, à condition de bien respecter les chemins et de ne pas s'en écarter afin de ne pas effrayer la faune.
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